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Port Medway

The Port Grocer and Cafe, The Readers' Festival, The History Show, Port Medway Art& Design, Sheena's Kayak Tours, Nancy's B&B, Medway Head Lighthouse, Eleanor's Dis and Dat Shop, Hottot Corners, The Wharf, Lighthouse Park, Heritage Cemetery, The Stevens Brothers Boats and Models, Pub Night at the Cafe, Long Cove, Ragged Harbour, Medway Harbour and The Sunday Community Market - you can dine, dance, shop for food, buy local produce, pies, jams art, antiques and home accessories, play ping pong at The Warehouse, swim, kayak, fish, enjoy readings by famous authors, take harbour kayak tours or just look at the scenery.  If you want a quiet, unspoiled atmosphere with and real warmth, may we suggest Port Medway.

Here is a video about Port Medway that you  might enjoy:

Lighthouse sale 2019
Tomson Highway - Author
Tomson & guest at The Firehall
Bait Day Nov. 2019
Bait day Nov. 2019
Dumping Day Nov. 2019
Dumping day fireworks
Lobster season is open
Pam & Deb 1 071A0731
Interpretive history 1 071A0722
Janet painting 071A0702
Annabelle and Bill_ 071A0719
Mark's store 071A0708
Interpretive history 2 071A0727
Cycling with the dogs
The Olde Meeting House
Michael Ondaatje
The Packed House
Linda Spalding
At The Readers' Festival
Jane and Guest IMG_6334
Jane Alexander and Calvin Trillin
Author Peter Robinson
Honky Dory What's Wrong with this pictur
And, the race is on!
Honky Dory and Port Medway Lighthouse 40
Pub Night at The Port Grocer
Port Cafe
Kayaking in Medway Harbour
Harbour kayaking
Long Cove
Long COve
Medway Head Lighthouse
Cycling in Port
Take cushions!
Michael Ondaatje
Author Linda Spalding
Linda Spalding
Heritage Crafts
Lighthouse Art & Craft Show
Folk Art at the Lighthouse Show
Victoria and Donald
Our Deb
Line up for The Port Ham
071A9098 copy
Fun for young and old
Deb - Cook Extraordinaire
Deb and Ginny
Music Set Up
The tent Is Up!
The Community Garden
The Community Garden
Vincent and Sheena
Clarence and Pam put up a sign post
Cottage on the South West Cove
Still waters in Medway Harbour
Medway Head Shore
Lighthouse Park
Lobster fishing boats at wharf
Kayaking to the wharf
Ready for lobster season
Lunenburg Bump
Heritage Home
Beautiful house
Old homestead
The Meeting House
Readers' Festival book signing
The Port Grocer and Cafe
The Port Grocer
Deb & Annabelle of The Port Grocer
Thure. Nite dinner at The Grocer.
Heritage buildings and cemetery
Port Medway Art & Design
Port Medway Art & Design
Pam at Port Medway Art & Design
Kayak Tours
kids kayaking DSCF6162
Heritage Cemetery
Jimmy Stevens and a tall ship
Getting ready for lobster season
Family fishing
Five at a time copy
Community Garden
Local band
Ragged Harbour birding_ 100_1770
Hottot Corners
Port Medway Fire Hall
Lighthouse Park at the wharf
South West Cove of Medway Harbour
Medway Head Lighthouse
Local lobster fishing Captain
Clarence's Collectibles
Ice Cream at The Port Grocer
Morning chess at The Port Grocer
Lighthouse Awareness Art &Craft Show
Eleanor in Long Cove
Band at The Port Jam
Local barn
Medway Head Lighthouse in the fog
Glorious sunsets
June rainbow
Typical sunset

© 2017 This site is sponsored by the Medway Area Communities Association (MACA)

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