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Update on events at Tumbling Down Falls Station

Hi, We’ve started a MUSIC buzz at the Station & We wanted to get these dates out early for your calendars. Please stayed tuned for more details for each performance as we get closer to the dates. Too, lots more happening at the Station, so check out our FB page at Tumbling Down Falls Station for other postings on market days, workshops, more music coming, community meals and more... NOTE: If you have a members card for the Station’s music events please bring it with you to all performance events. Yearly Membership cards are available at the door. Your card can be used for various benefits offered throughout the year at events. MARCH 12th COFFEE HOUSE / OPEN MIC 7-10pm Come out and play or come out just to listen and enjoy the many local talented musicians :) Bring your instruments, gear, and your tunes, We have A small PA, MIC'S, stands and various strings and percussions to share. MARCH 27th DANCE PARTY with the COLPRITS Come out and shake off the winter with THE COLPRITTS Scott Colp, Rocky Burton & Adam Craik playing some great dance tunes from the 70’s to 90’’s APRIL 9th COFFEE HOUSE / OPEN MIC 7-10pm & surprise birthday party for Scott :) APRIL 18th GARRETT MASON “Garrett Mason, arguably the best blues guitar player in Canada”, at Bearly's pub in Halifax, NS Live at the Trailside Music Cafe' & Inn, Mount Stewart, Prince Edward Island, Aug 2, 2018. MAY 9th THE LEWINSKIES You won’t want to miss the music of Kristen Hatt Lewis (songwriter) on accordion/ vocals with husband, Matthew Lewis, on guitar playing original folk/ roots music MAY 14TH COFFEE HOUSE / OPEN MIC 7-10pm MAY 30th CATAHOULA BROWN His new album 'The Journey', was officially released on November 1st. “It is a collection of self-penned songs that will certainly be regarded as his finest work to date.” Boat in a Bottle JUNE 11 COFFEE HOUSE / OPEN MIC 7-10pm SEPTEMBER 5th KATRINA KADOSKI The Waterman’s Daughter tells the story of Lillian Corbin, an impoverished girl from a broken home in a small east coast fishing town, in the early 1900’s. Against many odds, she became an author, banker, philanthropist, actress and the person they named the town library after. A one-woman musical, multimedia drama; written and performed by Katrina Kadoski. Created as an artist-in-residence at The Nelson Homestead, Crisfield, MD SEE YOU AT THE ‘STATION’ ! Lorraine & Victoria In Lak'ech (You are another me) If you wish to be removed from these updates just reply to this email with remove in the subject line..THANK YOU

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